Not Another Agile Scaling Framework

The unFIX model is a simple toolbox that helps you with versatile organization design. It facilitates gradual change, dynamic teams, and an important role to play for managers. Our pattern library is inspired by innovative companies including Haier and Tesla, various agile scaling frameworks, and books such as Team Topologies, Dynamic Reteaming, and Organization Design.
— Jurgen Appelo, founder unFIX company

Future-proof your company now!

Reshape the business

Reshape the business.

Continuous improvement goes far beyond IT and beyond software and manufacturing. Innovation is more than just Agile and Lean.

Ditch the matrix

Ditch the matrix.

There's no speed in classical hierarchies and matrix organizations. Only self-managed units can act fast when faced with crises or opportunities.

Stop the imitations

Stop the imitations.

Why implement a structure copied from someone else? Dare to be different. Do your own organization design.

Repurpose the managers

Repurpose the managers.

Don't buy into the "no managers" mantra. Turn managers into intrapreneurs and get them to manage the system, not the people.

Enable hybrid working

Enable hybrid working.

Work is not a place where people go; it is something they do. Be the company that stops pushing people around and starts getting things done.

Optimize the experience

Optimize the experience.

Customers don't care about products; they care about progress and happiness. Turn product-focused teams into experience enablers.

Fix the transformation

Fix the transformation.

Clean up the mess created with various agile scaling frameworks. Stop the suffering inflicted by harmful implementation programs.

Embrace innovation

Embrace innovation.

New ideas don't come from old approaches. You want continuous evolution of the business. Endless flexibility with just enough structure.

Give people a tribe

Give people a tribe.

People leave companies that fail to offer them a sense of belonging and a feeling of recognition. Don't be that soulless company.

Start small, grow big

Start small, grow big.

Disruptive change programs rarely work. Take a more gradual approach and then steadily scale up the transformation as you learn.

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